Ten Career Coaching Sessions Package


Through our ten sessions, you'll move from not knowing what you want to do for a career to making significant progress on your new career journey. You’ll receive my support putting your action plan to work, and making any changes/course correcting as you make progress twoards your career vision.

These sessions include, but are not limited to:

  • Career exploration, identifying what work will be meaningful for you, a closer look at your values, interests, strengths, personality and skills and how they align with your future career

  • Using effective informal (no cost) or formal (small cost) assessment tools to give further insight into what work will be fulfilling for you

  • Effective decision-making and networking tools to help bring you clarity. Development of strategic tangible goals and effective action planning to make your goals a reality, all supporting your career vision

  • Coaching to help make your action plan a success so you can move to making your career vision a reality with confidence, removing limiting beliefs

  • Assistance and advising with job preparation and job search tools to ensure their success (eg. resume, cover letter, interview preparation, mock interviews, LinkedIn profile, job search skills)

Ideal for: a client who has been out of the workforce, has been with an employer long-term and not job searched for a few years, and/or is switching industries or careers. Needs support with career exploration, job search preparation and creating tangible goals with impactful action plans to make the career change they desire. A client intent on making their career vision a reality by using career coaching to make their vision come to life.

$2000.00 CAD (plus GST/HST) for ten one hour one on one sessions. that are customized to your unique needs. You can sign up by booking a complimentary discovery call with me or emailing me at info@justgotredirected.com

  • Please note, I don’t write resumes/cover letters for clients but rather advise, edit, give feedback and empower you with the tools and knowledge to do it yourself. This helps clients be more confident in interviews as they wrote their own resume and also makes them more self-sufficient for the future.